Roofing Myths Debunked: Facts Every Homeowner Should Know
To help you make informed decisions, we’re debunking some of the most common roofing myths and replacing them with the facts you need to know.
The Importance of Cleaning Snow Off Your Roof: Protecting Your Home This Winter
While snow-covered rooftops may look picturesque, failing to clean the snow off can lead to significant damage to your home and hefty repair costs. We’re here this month to explore why cleaning snow off your roof is essential.
NH Roofers Talk Warning Signs Your Roof Needs Repairs Before Winter
As winter approaches, getting your roof ready for colder weather is one of the most critical steps in home maintenance.
Tips from NH Roofing: How to Prevent Moisture Damage
Our team of NH roofers at Tip Top Roofing has the expertise you need to make the necessary repairs to your roof to avoid moisture damage.
Time for a Roof Replacement: Asphalt or Metal?
In this article, your NH roof replacement contractor is comparing asphalt shingles and metal roofing to help you choose the right material.
Exploring Asphalt Shingles: A Comparison of 3-Tab, Luxury, & Architectural Shingles
Let’s take a closer look at each type of shingles NH roofers frequently use for residential buildings.
Immediate Steps to Take After Storm Damages
Storms can wreak havoc on your home, particularly your roof. When your roof is damaged, acting quickly is crucial to prevent further harm to your property and to ensure your safety.
NH Roofers Debunk 5 Common Roofing Myths
We’re breaking down some common misconceptions about metal roofing to uncover its numerous benefits.
The Importance of Proper Roof Ventilation for Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality
Discover the impact that roof ventilation has on your home in this month’s blog.
NH Roofers Talk Spring Cleaning Your Roof
Join us this month as your favorite NH roofers give you a guide on some essential spring cleaning tips so you can feel confident that your roof is prepared to brave the elements this upcoming season.